While tree stumps don’t make a huge difference in terms of appearance, leaving them in your yard can present a few dangers you might not be aware of. For example, a tree stump can easily cause anyone to trip and injure themselves. This, along with a handful of other reasons indicates that when cutting down a tree, you should look to grind down the stump as well from a qualified local stump grinding business.
With that said, here are five benefits of removing tree stumps:
1. It Fends Off Diseases and Pests
Tree stumps are prone to contracting diseases. While this won’t further harm the tree stump itself (since it is already dying or dead), it can be a massive problem for any nearby trees. There is a possibility that, if the disease is left to fester within the stump, it can spread to the healthy trees.
Pests are also a massive problem concerning tree stumps. The stumps act as a home for insects or whatever else decides to reside inside it. This gives the insects a chance to grow and multiply, which can prove a headache for homeowners such as yourself.
2. It Improves Aesthetics
If you’re trying to achieve a neat-looking yard, leaving a tree stump unaddressed will not do you any favours. Not only will removing the stump enhance the look of not only your yard but also your overall property. After all, it will give you more space to move around. Both appearance and space are vital in helping boost your property’s value, which is especially crucial if you’re looking to sell the home in the future.

Stump grinding we completed for Narara Mini Steam Trains in July 2019.
3. It Reduces Inconvenience
When you’re working on your lawn, a tree stump can be an unnecessary headache you have to deal with. For example, if you’re moving stuff around the yard, you might have to take extra precautions to not trip over the stump. Another example would be that you would have to be careful handling equipment such as a lawnmower near the stump to avoid damaging the lawnmower.
By removing the stump, you can work without worry about getting hurt or damaging any equipment.
4. It Avoids Accidents
As mentioned in the introduction, a tree stump can be a hazard, especially to older folks as well as younger ones. Of course, not only your family but anyone else’s who is in your yard is at risk of hurting themselves when near the stump. If anyone gets injured because of it, you may be held liable for the accident depending on the circumstances.
Avoid having to waste money on accidents that could rack up to tens of thousands of dollars and get the stump removed.
5. It Prevents Sprouting
Sometimes, a tree stump won’t die. Instead, it shows signs of growth once again, meaning that you will end up with the same tree that you wanted to remove in the first place. It is vital that once the tree is removed that the stump is also ground down right away. This ensures that no sprouting will occur, saving you any costs in the future.
In other words, by getting rid of the stump properly in the first place, you avoid wasting money having to remove the tree again.
In conclusion, put a bit of effort and money to get your tree stump professionally removed. That way, you’re saving a lot more money than you would have spent on re-removing the tree or for any accident and injury that occurs because of it. Not only will it also help enhance your home’s aesthetic and increase the space available in your yard, but it will boost your property’s value too.
If you are looking for tree stump grinding services in Gosford, NSW to help you get rid of your stump, King Kong Tree Services is your best option. Get in touch with us to see how we can help.